Aliases and Scripts

Posted on Mon 16 September 2024 in blog • Tagged with computing, blog, bash, unix

Over the years I’ve developed (and stolen) a lot of shortcuts and scripts for accomplishing tasks quickly from the command line. I’ve written about them before; it is time now to go further and document all of the absolute best scripts in my possession.


To use these …

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Refinements from magit

Posted on Sun 31 December 2023 in blog • Tagged with emacs, computing, blog

Unlike most emacs users, I haven’t wholeheartedly adopted magit as my sole interface for git. I mostly stick to the command line, in the coziness of my aliases -

alias bra='git branch'
alias cha='git checkout'
alias rai='git fetch; git rebase --interactive origin/develop'
alias rab='git rebase …

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Personal Scripts

Posted on Fri 20 October 2023 in blog • Tagged with computing, blog

Whether you’re a professional software developer or an “I know enough to be dangerous” power user on a higher education team, writing micro-programs to automate little tasks is one of the real joys of programming.

Yet, if you’re learning programming, you’ve probably read tutorials about how to …

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All My Disinterests

Posted on Wed 26 July 2023 in blog • Tagged with blog

My Android phone has a news feed app, which is helpfully named just “Google”. It serves news articles from various sources based on your Interests, which it tracks for you, but importantly, you can’t customize your interests. You can confirm an interest that it suggests for you, which I …

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