Aliases and Scripts

Posted on Mon 16 September 2024 in blog • Tagged with computing, blog, bash, unix

Over the years I’ve developed (and stolen) a lot of shortcuts and scripts for accomplishing tasks quickly from the command line. I’ve written about them before; it is time now to go further and document all of the absolute best scripts in my possession.


To use these …

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Refinements from magit

Posted on Sun 31 December 2023 in blog • Tagged with emacs, computing, blog

Unlike most emacs users, I haven’t wholeheartedly adopted magit as my sole interface for git. I mostly stick to the command line, in the coziness of my aliases -

alias bra='git branch'
alias cha='git checkout'
alias rai='git fetch; git rebase --interactive origin/develop'
alias rab='git rebase …

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Personal Scripts

Posted on Fri 20 October 2023 in blog • Tagged with computing, blog

Whether you’re a professional software developer or an “I know enough to be dangerous” power user on a higher education team, writing micro-programs to automate little tasks is one of the real joys of programming.

Yet, if you’re learning programming, you’ve probably read tutorials about how to …

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